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Canada’s immigration system is complex and sometimes difficult to navigate. Our firm provides high-quality legal advice and a customized immigratio strategy  tailored to our client's immigration needs. We work hard to explore all available options to ensure we can offer the best solutions for our clients. The areas through which we can provide immigration services to you include the following:

Permanent Residence Applications

Permanent resident status carries the right to live, work, and study in Canada on a permanent basis, and can only be taken away in limited circumstances.


The process of applying for permanent residence is complex and ever-changing. We understand that outdated and sometimes conflicting information available on the internet  can be sometimes confusing to applicants. Applicants who attempt the application process without proper guidance may risk refusal and or even lose their opportunity to immigrate to Canada. 


We understand that permanent residence applications are high-stake applications for you and your loved ones and we have the skill and the most up-to-date knowledge required to help you achieve your aim of moving to Canada as a permanent resident.

Employment-Based Applications

There are various employment based programs under which foreign nationals may apply for permanent residence status including the Federal Skilled Worker/Trades Class (FSW and FST), the Canadian Experience Class (CEC), various provincial nominee programs, and the Caregiver Program. These programs have different eligibility criteria based on various factors, including the applicant’s work experience, a job offer from a Canadian employer, education and language ability. We can identify the best program for you and guide you throughout the application process.

Family Sponsorship Applications

Family connections can also provide another path to permanent residence. Canadian citizens and permanent residents have the right to sponsor certain family members to immigrate to Canada. However, the right to sponsor is not absolute. There are  many reasons why an individual can be barred from sponsoring a family member or from applying for permanent residence. We also understand that a refusal can have both economic and legal consequences for individual and family applicants and can help 


An individual can be barred from sponsoring family members for financial reasons, criminality, or the sponsor’s own immigration history.


Also, due to the prevalence of immigration fraud, the burden is on applicants and sponsors to prove that relationships are “genuine” and were not formed simply for immigration purposes. Failure to provide proper documentary evidence of the relationship can result in refusal, leaving family members separated for years and, in some cases, permanently. 

Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications

Foreign nationals who do not meet the eligibility requirements to immigrate to Canada may be granted permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) grounds.


To grant permanent residence on these grounds, an immigration officer must believe that refusing the application would result in “unusual, undeserved or disproportionate hardship.” We have the required experience to present clients’ humanitarian and compassionate cases.

Some of the other ways in which we help permanent resident applicants include the following:

Refugee Protection Claims

  • Asserting eligibility for entry to Canada as a permanent resident

  • Canada Experience Class (CEC)

  • Express Entry (EE)

  • Family Class Applications

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program

  • Federal Skilled Trades Program

  • Ontario Immigration Nomination Program (OINP)

  • Permanent Resident Card

  • Permanent Resident Travel Documents

  • Provincial Nomination Programs (PNP)

  • Self-Employed

  • Spousal and Common-Law Partner Sponsorships including open spousal/partner work permits

  • Conjugal Partner Sponsorship Applications

  • Renunciation of Permanent Residence Status

  • Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

  • Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) Holders Class

  • Asserting eligibility for entry to Canada as a permanent resident

  • Canada Experience Class (CEC)

  • Express Entry (EE)

  • Family Class Applications

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program

  • Federal Skilled Trades Program

  • Ontario Immigration Nomination Program (OINP)

  • Permanent Resident Card

  • Permanent Resident Travel Documents

  • Provincial Nomination Programs (PNP)

  • Self-Employed

  • Spousal and Common-Law Partner Sponsorships including open spousal/partner work permits

  • Conjugal Partner Sponsorship Applications

  • Renunciation of Permanent Residence Status

  • Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

  • Temporary Resident Permit (TRP) Holders Class

Humanitarian & Compassionate Application

Individuals who do not meet the definition of refugee or person in need of protection may apply for permanent residence in Canada on humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) grounds. This option is available to those who face “unusual, undeserved or disproportionate hardship” in their home country.

 Canada offers protection to refugees and persons in need of protection,  because they face a risk to their life or a risk of torture, cruel and unusual treatment or punishment in their country of origin. Every year Canada welcomes refugees and persons in need of protection.


  • Adult and Minor applications

  • Certificates of Citizenship

  • Passport Applications

  • Proof of Citizenship

  • Renunciation

  • Waiver of Citizenship Requirement

Temporary Residence Applications

  • Biometrics

  • Business Visitors

  • Electronic Travel Authorizations (eTA)

  • Parent and Grandparent Super Visas

  • Study Permits

  • Temporary Resident Permits (TRP) 

  • Temporary Resident Visas and Visitor Records

Work Permits and Exemptions

  • Academics 

  • Bridging open work permits

  • Employer Portal registration and filing Offers of Employment

  • Designated Referral Partner and Designated Referral Channel Access

  • Francophone Mobility Program (Mobilitéé Francophone)

  • Free Trade Agreements: NAFTA, CETA, CPTPP and others

  • Global Talent Stream (GTS) Applications: Category A (unique and specialized talent + referral) and Category B (Global Talent Occupations List)

  • Global Skills Strategy work permit exemptions: 15 or 30 or 120 days

  • Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit processing: 10 day processing

  • International Experience Class (IEC)

  • Intra-Company transfers including those for start-ups and new Canadian entities

  • Introduction to Designated Referral Partners

  • Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIA): Temporary, Permanent and Dual Purpose

  • Medical and dental residents and medical research fellows

  • Post Graduate Work Permits (PGWP) 

  • Post-doctoral fellows and research award recipients

  • Open work permits 

  • Out-of-Warranty Repair and Emergency Service Personnel

  • Reciprocal Employment 

  • Self-Employed, Entrepreneurs, Investors & Owner-Operators

  • Significant Economic, Social and Cultural Benefits work permits 

  • Spousal and Common-Law Partner work permits

  • Young Professionals Program

  • Working Holiday Program and Student Work Abroad Program (SWAP)

Employer Services

Additional Services

  • Assist with accessing IRCC Designated Referral Partners and the Designated Referral Channel

  • Advice on LMIA advertising requirements and recruitment strategies

  • Employer Compliance advice and support including: 

  • Employer compliance plan development and implementation 

  • After-hours support and emergency assistance for temporary workers and business visitors

  • Port of Entry assistance and support for delayed or detained travellers at airports and land borders

  • Representation for employers during Employer Compliance inspection or on-site visit

  • Employer Portal registration and appointing secondary users and reset process

  • Filing Offers of Employment through IRCC Employer Portal

  • Global Skills Strategy work permit exemptions: 15 or 30 or 120 days

  • Global Skills Strategy (GSS) work permit processing: 10 day processing

  • Urgent employer portal and filing support in 24 hours or less

  • Voluntary Compliance Disclosure and corrective action

  • Advice to multinational corporations on establishing Canadian offices

  • Access to Information and Privacy requests to gain access to government records

  • Applications for Criminal Rehabilitation and Deemed Rehabilitation

  • Applications for Temporary Resident Permits (TRP)

  • Assistance with criminal, medical and other admissibility issues

  • Authorizations to Return to Canada (ARC)

  • Electronic Travel Authorizations (eTA)

  • Biometrics

  • Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) Travel History Reports (entry and exit records)

  • Inadmissibility: criminal, medical, financial, past immigration breaches, etc.

  • Complaints and Compliments to Canada Border Services Agency

  • Departure, Deportation, Exclusion and Removal Orders

  • Employer inspections and on-site visits

  • Non-compliance with Canadian immigration laws

  • Port of Entry representation

  • Refused entry to Canada

  • Working without authorization


Where a person loses capacity without a personal directive, someone else may need to make an application to the court for guardianship. A personal directive allows someone else to make decisions about your health, medical treatments and well-being if you lose mental capacity. This involves deciding everything from what treatment or medicine you will or will not receive to where you will live.

Immigration Litigation

When an immigration application is refused, we have the expertise to provide an opinion on whether there is an option to challenge the decision by filing an appeal or seeking judicial review. Permanent residents who have been found inadmissible to Canada may also have options for challenging the decision and avoiding removal. Some of the litigation services we provide include the following:

Immigration Appeal Division

  • Spousal Sponsorship Appeal

  • Residency Obligation Appeal

  • Removal Order Appeal

Immigration Application Refusals

  • Visitor visa

  • Study Permit Refusal

  • Work Permit

  • Medical Inadmissibility

  • Humanitarian and Compassionate Appeal

  • Appeals from Immigration Appeal Division

  • Appeals from the Refugee Appeal Division

  • Mandamus

  • Stays of Deportation

  • Citizenship Appeal (30 days from refusal)

  • Citizenship Revocation 

NB: 15 days for decisions made in Canada; 60 days for decisions made outside of Canada

Refugee Claims and Appeals

  • Refugee Protection Division

  • Refugee Claim

  • Refugee Cessation matters

  • Refugee Appeal Division

  • Pre-Removal Risk Assessment

  • Federal Court

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