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Whether you are recently separated, considering separation or struggling with child access and/or child support issues we can help.

We also provide support to clients considering  a pre-nuptial or a cohabitation agreement.


We understand that a divorce can be difficult to navigate. Whether you and your partner agree on the terms of the divorce or not, it pays to have an expert walk you through the entire process. We provide our clients with tailored solutions to find the best solution to your situation. From mediation and arbitration to litigation, we are ready to champion your rights and help you turn the page on this chapter of your life.

Spousal Support

A divorce often leaves one spouse in a significantly different financial position from the other. Depending on the circumstances of the marriage and divorce, the higher-earning spouse may have to provide some level of financial support to the lower-earning spouse for a period of time.


Spousal support, commonly referred to as alimony, is often ordered when there is a significant financial disparity between separating spouses or life partners.


Alimony may be awarded to one party at the end of a marriage, “common law” relationship, or Adult Interdependent Relationship.


The purpose of spousal support is to prevent economic hardship to the spouse with a lower income and allow them to maintain the standard of living to which they’ve grown accustomed over the course of the relationship.
We understand the intricacies of Canadian spousal support laws, and can help you fully understand your rights and options before moving forward with any legal strategy.

Custody & Child Support

Child custody and child support issues can arise in the early stages of divorce or when parties wish to revisit existing terms. We understand it can be challenging to raise a child together following a separation. Conflicts such as living arrangements, parenting schedules and decision making can arise. Our  goal is to help you avoid conflicts or toxic situations which could affect your child.

Property Division

Whether or not a separation is amicable, issues can arise during the divorce process, especially in relation to child custody and the division of assets and debts.


We can help you deal with potential problems before they arise in the most efficient, most economical, and least painful way possible.

Whether or not a separation is amicable, issues can arise during the divorce process, especially in relation to child custody and the division of assets and debts.


We can help you deal with potential problems before they arise in the most efficient, most economical, and least painful way possible.

We help our clients with a wide variety of family law agreements. A few of these agreements are:

  • Separation Agreements

  • Pre- Nuptial Agreements

  • Surrogacy Agreements

  • Sperm Donor Agreements

  • Cohabitation Agreements

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